Linked List

Let us understand link list from the scratch .Ignoring weather it is data structure or all the irksome terms that we do not want to tackle. So what if I tell you link list is used for insertion task and also for deletion. Sounds simple isn't it? Yes it is. For what we need to do this insertion and deletion task? For updating the data that is required to perform a certain operation. Now that we are clear with understanding the job of the link list let us look at the link list as a data structure. It consists of node that is a type of object. Node has two parts, one is for storing data and other for pointing the adress of the next data item.

 Let us have a look at one example for better understanding say, if i want to create a link list that will give me output as prime numbers only so I will have to create a head that will point towards the first node which will have 2 as the data inserted in it and the next part of the node will point at the data part of the second node which has 3 as a data inserted in it. The last node points at Null of the link list.
 So this is a linear data structure as every node points at the next node that create some linearity visually. In generalized link list and circular link list are some other types that will be explained in my upcoming blogs. Hope you understood and enjoyed reading my simple blog. Please like ,share and comment below! 
The principal benefit of a linked list over a conventional array is that the list elements can be easily inserted or removed without reallocation or reorganization of the entire structure because the data items need not be stored contiguiosly in memory or on disk, while restructuring an array at runtime is a much more expensive operation. Linked lists allow insertion and removal of nodes at any point in the list, and allow doing so with a constant number of operations by keeping the link previous to the link being added or removed in memory during list traversal.

After implementing the project, we realized that the comprehensive database of a group of people can be stored by increasing the number of nodes in the linked list. This method enables the programmer to easily access data.

A family tree was implemented using the concepts of Generalised Linked List. The major features such as a parent, child, spouse, and siblings were conserved. This project is done in the C++ programming language with the object-oriented nature of programming. 

Thus, we successfully completed the project on Family Tree using the Generalized Linked List in Object-oriented Programming.
[1]Tutorials Point -

[2] GeeksforGeeks -

The links for the presentation, project report and project video have been attached. Do visit them:

Topic 1: Introduction
Chinmay Pathak, K,56 , 1710109
              Video Link -

Topic 2:  What is GLL?
Saransh Kulkarni, K, 43, 1710532
              Video Link -

Topic 3:  Algorithm and Results
Aadhiraj More, K, 51, 1710501

Topic 4:  Application of Linked Lists
Sarvesh Patki, K, 72, 1710269
              Video Link -

Blogger Handles of Teammates -

Sarvesh Patki -

I hope you had a great time learning about various programming concepts. It has been a great journey so far. Finally, on behalf of my team members, I would like to thank our teacher, Prof. Dr. Swati Shilaskar ma'am for guiding us throughout the process of writing blogs and implementing the course project. Looking forward to working on similar and more interesting projects. Thank you
Chinmay Pathak
